One Deep Breath 11/26 Week 78 Rocks

We all have pebbles
Tiny stresses pushed away
Without any thought

Stones almost the same
More minor bumps in the road
Ignored easily

Rocks a different thing
Making one lose their footing
Potential chaos

Boulders real problems
Gigantic, causing a stop
We must climb over

No right or wrong way
Just what we can to survive
Past an obstacle

Today I face one
An old stubborn boulder waits
And I can't be weak

I must bulldoze it
Knocked into oblivion
Ending the problems

Praying for the strength
To be firm without laughter
Yet not throw a punch


Pearl said...

Sounds like a challenging day. I appreciate the assertive Gandhi attitude towards it.

Jodi Peary said...

I just posted mine today as well....however you are going through a lot it seems. Hopefully you are now able to relax into the moment and allow peace to enter your soul. Thanks for sharing your wonderful haiku and your insights. jodi barone

YOA said...

I haven't heard from you today, so I am hoping that your "problem" was resolved satisfactorily. You knew you were going to have these difficult situations when you took the job, and I know you have the strength to handle it.

Gel said...

Hi Chris,

You met that challenge in this haiku. I feel like it may be a personal journey (the meaning, not writing the haiku). Well, maybe it's both. Regardless, well-done and I hope you're gaining strength. I haven't been able to be in blogland regularly. It's good to see you. I particularly like your autumn leaf header.

Rocks can be obstacles in themselves, although I am drawn to them for many reasons: to see, to climb, to feel, and still to collect like I did as a child. Now I use stones of the earth in the jewelry I design. Full circle, it seems.
*gel* (Emerald Eyes)