Fast Forward

When did watches
Develop a fast forward button
I'm always late
Although I'm hanging on
Trying to make it
With some balance
Of work and home
But sleep takes up too much time
And without it
I'm just miserable
I just keep hoping
For a way
To stop slipping
Down the hill
And catch the ground
To enjoy a few more moments
With you


Rose Dewy Knickers said...

If I may my friend, time belongs to you alone and how you parcel it up should be to those things you enjoy and value.



YOA said...

You are learning a fundamental truth of life! But Rose is right - take time to smell the roses.

writerwoman said...

just keep hoping
For a way
To stop slipping
Down the hill

I can totally relate to that. What a lovely way to put the desperatation of it all.

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Fast forwarding watches - a great line. Now it is time to stop time for a moment to just breathe in the views with your wife.

I am glad you are finding time to write!

Sandy said...

I really enjoyed this one Chris. Time does go by too fast and I am often reminded to stop and smell the roses! Normally, I never do!

gautami tripathy said...

It too will pass. Don't worry, Chris.

Clare said...

I like this poem. Finding balance is really hard sometimes -- the eternal quest of humans in this speedy world. Our bodies will make us rest in the long run if we don't listen to them -- we'll get sick or hurt or just be flattened. So take care! We all care about you!

paris parfait said...

Your poem speaks to the fact that finding - and maintaining - balance can be tricky and not always easy; most of us struggle with this on a regular basis.

RomanceWriter said...

Stopping by to read this one again. Still love it.