Untitled 2

It is as if I can never reassure people enough
Goes to show that I can’t change anyone’s mind
Obviously I am not happy about being unemployed
But depressed, not a chance
I guess I understand how some could get to that conclusion
However, the ones who get there seem to forget that week
In the hospital, medications adjusted, the mania addressed
I am just not a bouncy energetic person anymore
I don’t have to say everything that is on my mind
I no longer feel nervous, I am not shaking
I sometimes enjoy contemplating in silence
Now that I feel cured, you think I am sick
You have only known me for a few years
Years in which I was always manic
I feel more like myself now
Than I have since I was eighteen
I am never sad and I do not cry
I think about living life, not suicide
My smile has not gone anywhere
My definition of healthy just doesn’t match yours
Because I am me
And that is all I want

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