The end is the beginning

This has to have been the most terrible month of my life...well not really, but it did suck ass. Life as I know it has changed and as much as I would just love to share it with the blogger world, I am afraid I just can't trust everyone blindly anymore. Here is the deal for the time being. I am making another site. It will be protected to only those signed in that I invite who will also be able to possibly give out some invites, but there is a catch. You have to email me directly at the above address and let me know who you are-or at least your blogger name, so I can add you and let you in. I have not had a way to vent in a while. The shooting range was great, but it only lasts so long. I have a cat with a UTI, our hot water heater is leaking, and work just really changed and I don't have the ability to freely blog anymore (for more on that you will have to write me.) The autobiography did get finished and same rules apply there, although I have a lot of editing to do to finish it up. The raw form is not up to par with my style. Trying to write poetry for myself is a bigger waste of time than video games and therefore I am making the decision to post this last entry with the resolution that although this blog will stay open, it's just a gateway to the next one with the real info on whats going on. I am unable to carry the burden of my secrets any longer. I will be looking forward to the two to three emails a month I may get when people check this to get into the other site. I have not been able to keep up with anything but I hope that will change.

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