Writers Island 12-4-07 The Promise

Up early without my glasses to write about a promise. I have made many that have not been kept. However, the most important in my opinion so far, was the promise to my wife on our wedding day. To that promise made only a little more than a year ago, I have been faithful and we have both kept out end of the deal. Love is a strange thing.
As a child it is important in instill in importance of following through with a reasonable promise, but children are not always reasonable creatures. eg..
"I promise to be your best friend forever."
"I promise I will never tell."
And many many more. Well, friends move, and people gossip. When the importance of a promise is explained, it may be more appropriate to promise..
"I'll be your best friend as long as nothing bad happens between us and you and I continue to live here." Or
"I will do my best to keep my mouth shut as long as this information seems important to keep quiet and I don't feel the need for revenge against you."
Promises are a funny thing. They can be used to keep or destroy a friendship overnight. Just what does a promise mean to you now compared to when you were 5, 10, or 15 years old? Has it changed? Well it did for me.

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