On Purpose

Asked numerous times
How could you
Why would you
I wanted to
This was no accident
When you get hurt
It’s a thought out act
Backed by purpose
Carefully executed
In the most effective way
A precise moment
Where the pain will sting
More severely
Is it so hard to believe?
That this smile
Plastered on my face
Is incapable
Why do you think the smile is there?
Because I am in control
More than you can imagine
And my calculated acts
Get the intended reaction
It was meant to hurt
And you are so weak
That it did


Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

I almost didn't comment on this, Chris, it is scary, but it is effectively written and I wanted you to know the latter.

writerwoman said...

This one reminds me of that song called Insensitive. It is biting, but in a good way.
