About Hair

I have lots to say about hair, but it's really a scribble. No nice stories or poems. Just reality. Hair for men is exactly comparable to weight for women. On a recent radio pole here in NC we even discovered many women here want men to shave in all the same places they shave. Interesting thought... I am losing my hair. I did not think about what would happen when I used relaxer countless times in sixth and seventh grade to straighten my hair and now I know. It stopped growing. I have also bleached and colored my hair every color in the rainbow and I can't think that has helped matters any. I don't have the typical male pattern baldness. It's much worse. The hair on the top of my head actually grows at a rate of about 1/2" per year. It is so annoying. In addition I have the bald spot and a receding hair line. I think people that have "skullets" (no hair on top and only hair on the sides) or comb overs look stupid. This is obviously just my opinion but bald seems to be in so when the time comes I will be a Mr. Clean. In college and several other times when I have gotten angry and decided to shave my head it has been a catastrophe growing it back, but it never looked bad. In fact I got many compliments.
Now the worse part. Body hair as I mentioned earlier. My father's side of the family calls it the Sapp curse, Sapp being my last name. Obviously only for men, another reason why when I have a child I pray it will be a girl. We are talking arms, shoulders, chest, back...everywhere. I HATE IT! If I could get a tenth of that transplanted to my head I would be set for life but I have no million or even thousand dollars to start or finish that process. I don't even have enough money to get it laser-ed off. It's too bad for all of you that Hair was the topic this week because I just needed to vent. Normally this is private, but the chances of me meeting any of you in person are so Minuit that I figured what the hell.

Women whenever you are wondering why men lose weight so much easier, think about how you can grow and style and be happy with your hair for years. I will never have that luxury. I have never had hair that was much longer than it is now, even as a child. It's been maybe 2 inches max, although I had a 9-inch rat tail back when those were cool in maybe 2nd grade.

I really hope in the future evolution just gets rid of all body hair so future generations will not have to deal with this crap.

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