Drug Store

How can I hold on to anything?
Or anyone
You completed me
But you should save yourself
Everything I touch I break
Around me the things I hate
Are all on their way down
And sometimes it hurts
As I get more desperate now
For the drugstore
To supply me
So these demons haunting me
Will be gone
By the time I am dead
But I realize even when I say goodbye
I may still wakeup beside you


Anonymous said...

Oh Chris, are you crashing here? (not sure if this poem is about you.) I hope you're not truly feeling suicidal. If so, please call a hotline, the police, the hospital, ANYONE, even the operator on the phone. The operator will put you right through for help.

Thinking of you and very concerned.
The holiday time of year is often so rough on many of us.

Anonymous said...

not me-I promise