
Take a moment

To stare into the red

In the horizon line

As the sun sets

Lose yourself in it

Don’t let yourself be found

Does the fascination carry you away

To a place out of your body

All that is in your head

Those hidden parts of your brain

That you think don’t do anything

Will activate with the sky

As the colors slowly fade to black


Leila said...

It's the best feeling ever, to zone out, out of your head..

Clockworkchris said...

great to have you back! It is nice to zone out. From your blog sounds like you need a little more time to do that. I have getting plenty if I am writing. My mind is wandering all over the place. Thanks for commenting

Sara from PWB said...

This one transports me to another place.

Beatrice V said...

To know that when I soar away from the mundane I am not alone, it is nice..

Raven's Wing Poetry said...

OMG I love this. I especially love these lines:

"Those hidden parts of your brain
That you think don’t do anything
Will activate with the sky
As the colors slowly fade to black"

I love the feeling those lines give me.


Tumblewords: said...

Very nice!!