
Sometimes the images are so disturbing
She wonders
How confused she must be
But a look in her eyes
And it's easy to see
Perhaps her mind works
Better than you and me
Telling it like it is
We are not babies
And a sugar coating
Doesn't make things easier to swallow
The truth is blinding
So much to most that they ignore it
Imagine it away
Fall into the guise of mass hysteria
Everyone must be confused
But we aren't; And she isn't
As clear as thin clean glass
The horror of existance has hit
The fact that humanity may not be a good thing
And morality is more of an idea than a practice
When it comes down to frienship
And the basics
We are unfortuntely only confused
If we try to understand this chaos
Or pretend we enjoy it all


Leila said...

This one really speaks to me!
"Perhaps her mind works
Better than you and me"

Does it do her any good though..?

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh so very true and perceptive, well said