Sunda Scriblings #88 -- Competition

Talk about a perfect topic for me. I am so competitive about everything. I want to drink the most, I want to have the most of whatever we could be talking about, I want to win at everything, I want to be considered the smartest (mind you I know I am not), I really want to be the strangest, because I would never win at being the most normal. Everything in my life is a competition. It brings an extra reason to strive to do a good job and be more productive than anyone around me, which is generally a good thing. It also makes me look like I am a total A-hole and full of myself much of the time, which is the bad side.

If I had to pick one thing to be the best at, it would be helping people. I want to be the one people can depend on. That sometimes entails a bit of everything I mentioned. To be asked for help, you need to be able to show others you can do it well on your own, and that your help will really be useful. In the mental illness sense, my field of expertise (nope, not really an expert) it's important to smile, be friendly, accept everything (again being liberal) and just being willing to drop what I am doing at any time to lend a hand or an ear. As a man, I always want to give advice, but I try not to.

Throughout my life I have tried to be good at soccer (failed), baseball (failed), tennis (failed), track or running (failed), swimming (did pretty good), writing poetry (well, I am not the best but I got to my milestone, being published), going to excess with electronics, alcohol, and other things like it's a game (when I want to win at this I can, just terrible consequences afterwards), boy scouts, youth group, grades, etc...and it goes on forever.

Although I now know that being the best is not important, and that in the end it's much more important to have a good time and be happy, I still push myself.

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