Sunday Scriblings: Hi my name is...

Hi my name is Chris (yep you knew that). I go by clockworkchris because once I saw A Clockwork Orange and read the book, I just knew it was one of those things that were strange enough for me. I am a very strange person and I have lots of stories about my life that, although I am not as strange as the character Alex or his Droogs,I think that I am interesting. I started that pen name, if you will, back with an abreviation when I was 17 in high school and I have kept using it since. Easy for people to keep up with. My name "Chris" means Christ-like, which although I don't attend church or consider myself Christian, is kind of true. I don't mean that I am really like Christ or perfect at all. I mean that I care about others deeply, I would do almost anything for even a stranger, and I bend over backwards to make people smile and be pleased with me. However I consider this less Christ-like and more attention seeking. I was always the counselor in HS and worked for the local volunteer counseling line where people could call in and I would try to help them like a professional would. That got me into psychology and eventually into my job today. I just got promoted from field work to a case manager. I also feel like I have been through lots of situations that many of the clients I see have not been strong enough to overcome, and seeing someone who has gives them hope. I really am an oddball however. At my age, 28, not really old, but wearing jeans, t-shirts, and having big holes in my ears and tatoos is still not the norm. Staying on the computer as much as possible is, so I fit somewhere in the middle. I could write all day, and year about myself but I will just stop here. You ladies and gents seem to like my chunk of life bits so I hope this isn't just a repetition. :)

(Sorry about the terrible error-typo I had in this early on...I was speaking of the main character of A Clockwork Orange who is a serial thief, murderer, and rapist and gets conditioned through painful methods to be afraid of it all. Thanks for the comments that let me know!)

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