Sunday Scriblings #79 9/30

Prompt:When in your life did you feel the most powerful? Was it childhood? College? Now? What is that feeling like; what does it mean? Do you have power over your own life, or are you not feeling that so much these days? If you don't want to get serious, you might imagine superhero powers, and what you would do with them.

If you have read here before you know I love to just write and devulge information about myself usually so I am not going with super powers. There were plenty of times I "felt" powerful and on top of the world. Usually I thought I could do just about anything and there were no consequences. I believe DiCaprio said "I'm the king of the world." That pretty much has it. Then when I woke up the next day feeling like crap and needing more *stuff* to stay that way I realized I was more out of control that ever before. Right now I feel in control quite a bit. I am married, I choose if I want to work or play, if I want to get paid or not, if I want to keep my car and house or lose it, and it is in some ways all up to me. My decisions override anyone else's when it comes to my life. As a child my parents and friends dictated my behavior. In college not much changed besides I was lying to everyone, but doing bad things didn't make me feel in control, but the opposite. Right now I am happy to wake up every morning, yes even Mondays, and do what I need to do because I enjoy it. Many people have said that if you are not burdoned by your job but enjoy it, then it really isn't work. That is how I feel. Keep in mind my job for the last five years was easier in many aspects than the one I started 2 weeks ago, but I am enjoying it. Until I have children I will be the boss of my own destiny, with my wife being an equal 50% influence. Lucky for me she is a Libra and I get to make all the decisions I want to make. That is it for this week.

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