The Bout

In one corner
Towering over the crowd
With a big beer belly
Extremely hairy and smelly
Taunting the other boxer
Stands mean momma Martha

And in the other corner
Appearing equally as vicious
Foaming from the mouth
Really needing a shower
The marauder of misery
Stand krazy glue sniffing Kira

In the middle the referee
A normal sized gentlemen
Calls both boxers to the center
And with the poise and balance
Of a cat ready to pounce
He lures them within range

Both thinking they are fighting
For honor and love
From him, the referee

The bell rings
And he escapes
While a no holds barred march
Takes place in the ring
With hair ripping and nails scratching
He smiles as he meets his new girlfriend outside
And drives away in the new sports car
He purchased for being a duel agent
For both boxers relentlessly killing one another
That he left behind
For a nice behind

1 comment:

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Oh, Chris... It made me laugh, I just got a visual picture.