3WW 8-1-07

This week's words are: Gray, Fathom, Memphis

Now I have to go and look up Memphis to make sure it's not just a city because I would not know how to use it that way. Arg... it will be done soon.

It does! Holy Cow! Not just the largest city in TN, but also an ancient city in Egypt on the Nile. Interesting because both cities overlook large rivers, the Nile and the Missippi.

Also courtesy of dictionary.com

a group of international designers and architects, formed in the 1980s and based in Milan, whose work is characterized by the use of bold colors, geometric shapes, and unconventional, often playful, designs. –adjective
of or pertaining to this group or its style of design.

and now I do such a simple Haiku that uses none of that

I could not fathom
Gray smoke rising from steamboats
Over Memphis skies

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