Feast 151

For the record today was not a very good Friday the 13th and they are usually lucky for me. For shame...


What is your favorite fruit?

Gonna have to say Nanners (Bananas for those who don't understand)


Who is someone you consider as a great role model?

My mom (everyone asks this question...Why?, certainly no one in Hollywood)


If you were to spend one night anywhere within an hour of your home, where would you choose?

I have a friend that has a haunted 2nd or 3rd floor that no one has ever made it a night in, I think I could do that. Ghosts can't hurt people, well I hope not. I love being scared.

Main Course

Name something you do too often.

Video Games and Ebay and Amazon and Blogging and TV and right now Working!


Fill in the blank: I really like ___________ because ____________.

I really like to spend time with my wife because I don't ever get enough of her and that has become much more aparent recently.

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